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Linting is the process that underlines errors and warnings in the code. It is a great way to catch errors before they happen, and to enforce code style. We use the ESLINT VSCode extension for linting.


ESLint is configured with an .eslintrc file. We have a main .eslintrc file in the root of the project, and a .eslintrc file in any package that needs to add to the main configuration.

Manual Linting

Since linting can be computationally expensive, the linter only works on opened files. If you want to lint the entire project:
1. Enter CTRL+SHIFT+P to open the Command Palette
2. Select Tasks: Run Task
3. Select eslint: lint whole folder

Disabling the Linter

If the linter is taking up too many resources and affecting your workflow, you can temporarily disable it in VSCode: 1. Open the Command Palette with CTRL+SHIFT+P. 2. Type and select Extensions: Focus on Extensions View. 3. Search for "ESLint" in the list. 4. Click the gear icon next to the ESLint extension and choose Disable.

To re-enable the linter, follow the same steps and choose Enable instead.